Driver App

UX/UI Design & UX Research

Driver App Image

Project Overview

S4D was seeking to add a new product called Driver App to their portfolio. They wanted this app to help the quick service restaurants serve their customers efficiently.

Before this app was introduced, the drivers of the restaurants were using a POS at the store to assign orders, check the route to the customers, and report the completion of delivery.

The Driver App was developed to make the drivers’ workflow smooth by enabling them to do their tasks from a mobile, and now it is used by S4D’s clients including New York Pizza.

My Contributions


UX/UI Designer & Researcher


Project at S4D


Balsamiq, Sketch, Marvel, Figma

My Task

“To design an app for the drivers at quick service restaurants.”

It was quite an open task. I did not have detailed requirements on what features had to be included. Therefore, I started from collecting potential features that could be included and clarifying the drivers’ problems we would like to solve with the app.


In order to get insights on what features should be included in our app, I explored the similar apps by these three competitors. The analysis helped me find out the user flows of these apps as well as what common features they have. I also noted down the pros and cons of each app, so that I know what to include or avoid in our app.



After figuring out what features could be included in our app, it was time for clarifying the problems that we would like to solve with the app. I visited some stores to conduct interviews with the drivers. I also prepared a survey and distributed to our clients. The goals of the research were;

  • Understanding drivers' tasks and the delivery process
  • Identifying problems drivers are facing
  • Identifying in which step of the delivery process they would use the driver app
  • Documenting benefits, challenges and opportunities that users see in using the driver app

Interview Questions

  1. Could you describe your regular day at work?
  2. Which parts of our system do you actually use during the day?
  3. Could you describe the process of delivery? If you use the POS at any step of the process, could you describe how you interact with it?
  4. During the delivery process, what do you find uncomfortable, worrisome or troublesome?
  5. During the delivery process, do you use any apps or websites?

    1. If yes, what apps/websites do you use? How are they helpful?
    2. What do you wish the apps, websites or POS could do?
  6. What are the important factors for you in completing your tasks?
  7. What do you think of having a ranking of each driver’s performance (based on customer reviews, delivery speed, etc.)?

Interview Results

I conducted interview with 5 store staff to collect qualitative data about their work. I learned their tasks, pain points, habits, goals, etc.

Interview Results

Survey Questions

  1. How often do you work as a driver?
    • Less than once a week
    • Once / twice a week
    • Three / four times a week
    • Five and more times a week
  2. In which store do you work?
  3. Which mapping service do you like the most?
    • Google Maps
    • Waze
    • Bing Maps
    • Apple Maps
    • Others, please specify
  4. Other than mapping service, what apps/websites have you ever used during delivery?
    • Messaging app
    • Phone dialling
    • Music app
    • Weather forecast
    • Health app (e.g. step counter)
    • Calendar
    • Calculator
    • Others, please specify
    • I don’t use any apps/websites
    1. What is the name of the app/website(s)?
  1. Have you ever felt like accessing to the POS from outside the store?
    • Yes
    • No
    1. If yes, what did you want to do with the POS?
  2. Is there anything that you wish apps/websites/the POS could do?
    • Yes
    • No
    1. If yes, what do you wish apps/websites/the POS could do?
  3. When do you feel you did a good job?
    • When you receive a positive feedback from customers
    • When you receive a positive feedback from your colleagues / boss
    • When you deliver many orders within a day
    • When you deliver orders fast
    • Others, please specify
  4. During the entire delivery process, what do you find uncomfortable, worrisome or troublesome?
  5. Finally, if you have any comments, please share it with us!

Survey Results

The survey was distributed among the drivers who work for two of our clients. In total, we managed to collect 148 responses. Since the way they work is different among clients, the results were analysed separately per client.

Survey Results


The interviews and the survey identified the problems that the drivers were facing, such as...


It takes time to assign an order because everyone needs to queue up for POS to do so


They find it annoying when they are not notified of problems with a vehicle


They want to see their own reviews from the customers


Based on the result of user research, I created personas. This allowed me to empathise with our users even better than when I have only the interview and survey summary.

Persona 1 Persona 2


To clarify what path our users would go through to achieve their goals, I made user journey maps.

User Journey Map 1 User Journey Map 2


User stories for each opportunity which was found through the user journey maps were created. If the function requires some interaction with users, user flows were also established to identify tasks that users need to complete.

User Stories


The user stories and user flows helped me list up the information that is necessary for users to complete their goals. I categorised the information and made a sitemap.

Information Architecture


Based on the user flows and the information architecture, I prepared wireframes. I started with low-fidelity wireframes using a pen and paper, then I created mid-fidelity wireframes using Balsamiq. Finally, I made high-fidelity wireframes using Sketch, and prototyped with Marvel (Later, everything was switched to Figma).

Low fidelity wireframes Mid fidelity wireframes High fidelity wireframes


Test Plan & Script

In order to examine whether there are any errors that hinder the basic user flows, I conducted the usability tests. First, I made the usability test plan, where I defined the goal and methodology. I also prepare the test script, which would allow me to stay on track during the test session. After finish creating the test plan, I sent out the invitation to the potential test participants.

Test Plan

Test Results

I conducted the test with 5 drivers and noted down the following four points;

  • Observations
  • Positive quotes
  • Negative quotes
  • Errors

I analysed them using the rainbow spreadsheet, and explored the potential improvements that could be made.

Rainbow Spreadsheet


A month after the above usability test, the second usability test was conducted with an updated prototype. The goals of the test were;

  • To confirm whether the level 4 errors which were identified from the first usability tests were resolved
  • To check the usability of other functions which were not tested last time

The second usability test proved that the errors from the first test were resolved, but it also identified other errors and points to be improved. They were again addressed and the prototype was improved.

Although I was the only UX Designer in the project at the beginning, there are more people involved in developing the Driver App now. As a result, the app has been developed even further with a lot of iterations.


The app has been designed in a way that the drivers can assign an order via the app, report any problems with vehicle, and check the review and performance, so that the app can help drivers work more efficiently.

Unfortunately, I cannot share the clickable prototype due to the NDA, but I am happy to share the detailed UX procedure in person!


Feel free to reach out to me!

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