Argentinean Foundation

UX Design & UX Research

Argentinean Foundation Image

Project Overview

The Argentine-Dutch Solidarity Foundation is a non-profit organisation based in the Netherlands. Their mission is to provide financial aid for non-governmental institutions and projects in Argentina.

They were looking for a way to get more donation, more volunteers and more participants to the events that they organise. I was asked to prepare a design proposal of their website, which could lead to receiving more help.

The goal of this project was to find out how to make users feel more comfortable and encouraged to help the foundation via three ways; donating, becoming a volunteer and attending an event.

My Contributions


UX Researcher / Designer






Below is the process I took for this project. Although it looks like a linear process, it is a non-linear process which allowed me to go back to any of the steps.



At first, I analysed other foundations’ websites to understand their approaches to the users.



Next, I conducted user interviews to find out our users’ needs as well as what they like and don’t like in browsing a website.

Interview Questions

  1. When you give donation, what are the factors you care about?
  2. When you want to work as a volunteer, what do you check about the organisation?
  3. When you join a small-to-mid sized event which is open for an individual participant, what makes you feel like joining the event?
  4. In general, when you check a website of an organisation or a company, what are the functions you enjoy using?
  5. On the other hand, what are the functions which makes you annoyed?

Interview Results

I conducted interview with 3 participants. Quotes, findings and observations of the interviews were left in sticky notes.

Participant 1 Participant 2 Participant 3

Affinity Mapping

To analyse the results, affinity mapping was utilised. Below is an example of the mapping. This mapping process was repeated several times to reveal more variation of clusters.

Donation Volunteering


Affinity mapping revealed users’ approach to a foundation when they donate, become a volunteer and participate in an event.

Motivation to donate



They want to support the foundation which they can trust. In order to check if the foundation is trustworthy or not, they check;

  • Foundation profile
  • Results (e.g. with videos)


It is also necessary that the interest of the foundation and users matches. They check the following to see if it is a good match;

  • Purpose of the foundation
  • Who gets the help

Information that users want


Before the project starts

  • Plan (timeline, price, what to be done)
  • Who works on the project

Users want to...
set expectation for the project


While the project is going on

  • Regular report on the progress (which phase they are in)
  • Delay and changes, if any

Users want to...
make sure that it will meet their expectation


After the project ends

  • Deliverables
  • The way to communicate about the results

Users want to...
confirm if it meets their expectation

Other information that users check


Becoming a volunteer

  • Activities
  • Other volunteers
  • History of the foundation
  • Structure of the foundation

Joining an event

  • Basic information of the event
  • Whether their friends also join
  • Who organises it
  • How open the event is


Based on the result of user interviews, persona was created. This allowed me to empathise with our users even better than when I have only the interview summary.



To clarify what path our users would go through to achieve their goals, I am making a user journey map now.

Once it is ready, I am going to update it here!

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